Wednesday, July 18, 2012


When you don't see God in your situation, in answers to your prayers or in this phase of your life, what's wrong?

First, apologetics is the name given  those that attempt to prove with reason that God exists.
I don't think anyone can prove that God exist to someone who is bound and determined to not see God.   At the same time the Believers work by faith so the reasoning of the existance of God makes little difference.

Now back to he question of the seemly absense of  God at times when you might need him most. As in apologetics, there are many reasons that can be used to explain His absense, but not one reason holds all the answers.   To be blunt some of those explanation are easy cop-outs.   "Everything works for good" is the worst.  It's scriptual if you add the last of the sentence, but it can also be an attempt to avoid the problem while avoiding any responsibility to help.

At the time of the crisis it hurts.  Harm does happen and certainly God didn't produce that harm.  God simply has a marvelous ability to turn harm into triumph which bring me to the answer, at least one answer, to why we don't always see God's hand.

At times we simply are looking the wrong direction while the hand of God is working.  We have it all figured out that God should be dividing the Red Sea of our problems. However, God isn't just looking at our one problem, but to eternity and the completion of all His plans for us.

God uses each and every event in our lives as a mosaic of His grace.  Some of the tiny pieces of glass which are our lives are dark and gray, but it is the dark that brings out the brightness of the Light.

Therfore, rather than spending time try to figure out God, whose ways are so beyond our ways, there needs to be a turn to faith.  I don't know what He is doing, or why he is doing it, but I know He is with me every step of the way, and I know He  is still in control when I lack control.

BY FAITH I KNOW THAT EVERY ACT OF MY GOD WHO CONTROLS ALL IS AN ACT OF LOVE.  And it is best for me to take my eyes off the circumstance and turn them to my Savior.

What are your thoughts?

God Bless,

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